
Dying To Dance: Chapter 5

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Dying To Dance

Chapter 5:

Frazer grunted as his head snapped to a side, blood filling his mouth and trickling over his bottom lip in an instant. The vampire's temper had reached its limit and now, with the taste of blood upon his lips, the dark side of the infamous vampire had stepped in to play. Eyes a burning red under a messy black fringe and with lips curled into a bloody smirk, an angered Frazer shot out a clawed hand. It caught Lillith firmly and violently by the throat, squeezing it tightly as a strangled sound escaped her lips, before tossing her to a side like a rag doll. But before her body had even touched the floor, Frazer had already flitted over, and was now waiting eagerly for his next strike.
Luska's reflexes kicked in and he threw Lillith's arms out in time to catch his fall. A girl's body may not be the ideal thing for combat, but the angel's wings were certainly useful. Ducking out of the way he shot rapidly into the air and stayed to hover a few feet above Frazer, taunting.
"Is that the best you've got?" he mocked, grinning insanely. "Pathetic."
Frazer's breath rattled through his teeth, almost like a hiss as he sneered menacingly at the hovering angel. He leapt up, grasping Lillith's ankle, then flung her into the dirt with a crash. Lust and anger burnt in his irises, behind tiny, black pupils as the vampire laughed manically, his chest heaving with each hasty, ragged breath. In another swift movement, Frazer had the girl pinned beneath him, a handful of her long, silver locks entwined in his fingers as he began to violently slam her face into the ground, cursing the demonic race as he did so.
Luska swore and tried to fling Frazer off him but it was no use. He'd been licked.
"You want the girl back?" he growled, his head now screaming in pain. "Fine. Have her!" And the demon receded, leaving in his place a confused, innocent Lillith completely clueless as to why she was now pinned beneath the vampire.
"Ohhh my head..." she moaned. "Get- off..." She was so weak she could barely form the words. What on earth had Luska done to her now?
Frazer instantly let go of the girl, his lust coming to an abrupt end as the presence of the demon died away. The startled and weakened vampire collapsed on top of his victim, his chest rising and falling at an immense rate. His head was swimming with blurred images again -though drowning seemed like a more appropriate word- as he panted heavily, anguished groans escaping his lips. He winced as the sudden pain in his jaw began to throb mercilessly. Groaning, he took a deep breath and sucked air in from behind his teeth, trying to fight the burning sensation behind his eyes as he nuzzled into Lillith's knotted silver hair.
"Lil... w-what..." he uttered breathlessly.
It was a few minutes before Lillith could even figure out that she ought to get up, and another few until she could find the strength to even speak as her ragged breathing slowed and the pounding in her head faded into the background.
"F-Frazer?" she asked stupidly, her delicate eyelids fluttering open.
Lillith was trying frantically to recall the events of just a short time ago, but she'd near enough blacked out as the demon had taken over her. Slowly, carefully, she inched the semi-conscious vampire from her until only his head and shoulders rested in her lap. She didn't know how long she would have to wait, but hoped it wouldn't be long- this forest was kind of eerie with no one to talk to. She kept hearing heavy footsteps, the crunching of twigs, but every time she turned around there was nobody there... After just a couple of minutes of this, Lillith gave in to anxiety.
"Frazer? Frazer, can you hear me?" she murmured.
And then she heard it- not just her imagination but voices, distorted and muffled just a few metres away. There was a dull thud followed by the rustling of bushes and muted footfalls. People. Or worse... vampires. "Frazer!" Lil hissed again. "They're coming!"

Frazer's face fell into a frown as he began to stir. He knuckled his forehead and blinked his eyes, forcefully trying to bring himself back around. "W-w-what... the..." he slurred, groggy blue eyes staring up at Lillith as his head lolled in her lap. He shakily pushed himself up and rubbed his jaw feebly. "Who are?" he croaked.
"The police! The Authorities!" she muttered, gazing intently into the foliage, anxiously searching for any sign of a being. But the noises had stopped again, and Lil hoped she wasn't just getting paranoid. But then, very clearly, came the sound of a gun being cocked, followed by another, more distinct voice- they were very close indeed.
Frazer instantly perked up. "How the hell did they find us...?" he hissed.
More voices drifted from the shadow of the trees, growing louder, getting closer. Frazer took no chances. Swiping Lillith up into his arms, he made a dash for cover. A voice barked from within the foliage and suddenly the whole forest was alive with the sound of gunfire. One bullet sank straight into Frazer's calf causing him to stumble slightly. He cursed heavily under his breath, wincing with every movement. He couldn't risk anymore injuries, it would just lower his chances of escape. With this is in mind, the tiring vampire hastily scaled a large tree, taking cover in its leaves as he caught his breath.
Remembering what Frazer had said earlier about taking bullets for her, Lillith hastily shuffled further along the tree branch, escaping his hold on her. She was weakened and the pounding in her head had resumed but she didn't care as she hoisted herself upright. Summoning up as much of her well-concealed fury as she could, Lillith's palms began to glow bright crimson, as did her eyes, and with an almighty effort two immense fireballs erupted from her hands. They smashed into the ground where the men were stood shooting, spraying dirt everywhere, and suddenly the surrounding area was ablaze. Startled screams and yells filled the air as they scattered, some dropping their guns in their haste.
Lil watched with mild apprehension as the inferno licked up the tree trunks, scorched the bushes... And then her gaze was focused on one lone vampire perched cleverly in the next tree, whose leaves were burning a bright orange. He, unlike his comrades, still had his gun and was aiming directly behind her. With a flash of intuition and a heart-stopping gasp, Lillith launched herself in front of Frazer, catching the bullet somewhere in her rib-cage. She didn't know what had made her do it- affection, instinct, payback... Her head swam as blood oozed through her clothes.
"We got one!" cried the shooter.
Chapter 5 of Dying To Dance.

:bulletblack: Chapter 4: [link]
:bulletblack: Chapter 6: [link]

:bulletred: Frazer has taken the opportunity to demonstrate his hate toward demons, while Lillith has revealed a little about her past. And Luska's had enough.

:bulletblue: For a full background of where this comes from, please take a peek at my Journal >> [link]

:bulletyellow: All characters are Original.
Luska and Lillith belong to me, =AnglaiseRox. Pic of Lillith: [link]
Frazer belongs to ~Th3-C0unt3ss. Pic of Frazer: [link]
And if you do take the time to browse around her gallery, please note that some of the other character pics you see may be included in this story later on... ;) I.E the characters in the preview image at the top of this page.

:bulletpink: You may not copy, reproduce, alter, transform or build upon this work in any way without express written permission from both authors.
All characters, elements of the story and the story and plot as a whole are © =AnglaiseRox and ~Th3-C0unt3ss

:bulletpurple: And if anyone’s interested in threading with us, please don't hesitate to ask! We're looking for some amazingful writers with OC's (or they don't have to be Original) to write with on Th3-C0unt3ss's website, and it'd be wonderful to have many new characters and people to thread with. If you're wondering what "threading" is, please can I refer you again to my Journal entry ^^;

:bulletgreen: Enjoy!! =D

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ChasDElric's avatar
I'm a bit Frazer out in the sunlight or is it night time? I like the whole lillith luska story, it's different (and in an extremly good way).